Stainless Steel
71/72 Series Upholstery Staples
Crown: 9.1mm
Lengths available: 4mm, 6mm, 8mm, 10mm, 12mm & 14mm
Equivalent staples to: Duofast 7, Omer 3G, Haubold 7100, Khilberg 670, Prebena V, Senco C, BeA 71
Please check that your tool takes the length you require.
Suitable to fit:
Clarke: CSG1C
Tacwise: A7116V, A7116P, A7116LN, A7116QHH
Stanley Bostitch: 21671 B-E, 21671 B -A- E, 21671 B- LN- E, 416SIC-S3G-7/16
Senco: SFT10XP, SFW05-C
Maestri: ME3G/71 (from 8mm)
BeA 71/16, BeA 71/16-436 LN (from 6mm)
Porter-Cable: US58 (from 6mm)
plus many more....